Many BDSC stocks contain patented components. Some are listed below, but this list is not exhaustive. Most patent owners permit unrestricted use of their materials for nonprofit research only but some require licenses for any use. We provide notification of licensing requirements when stipulated by distribution agreements, but lack of notification should not be construed as a lack of licensing requirements for for-profit research. It is the recipient's responsibility to obtain any necessary licenses from the patent holder for commercial work with these stocks.
We provide contact information for recipients of specific stocks with patented components to patent holders only upon prior arrangement and only when recipients are notified of the licensing requirement during the ordering process. Otherwise, ordering information is confidential and we will share it only if we are compelled by legal actions.
The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) offers a searchable full-text database of U.S. patents issued since January 1, 1976. FlyBase also includes some Drosophila patent citations in its references.
Report of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Working Group on Research Tools
Basic Guidelines for the Transfer of Research Tools to and from Recipients of NIH Funds
Patents and Licenses of Particular Relevance to Drosophila Researchers
United States Patent Number 11366114 Genetically encoded fluorescent sensors for detecting ligand bias and intracellular signaling through cAMP pathways
European Patent Number EP3065754B1Genetically encoded fluorescent sensors for detecting ligand bias and intracellular signaling through cAMP pathways
United States Patent Number 4959317 Site-specific recombination of DNA in eukaryotic cells